Thursday 7 May 2015

focus group

Over the past six months our group has been working towards completing a promotional package for an imaginary film, and today we’d like to gather your feedback on our trailer, film posters and magazine front covers. Please answer the written questions below once you’ve viewed the trailer. We will then begin a short verbal discussion about your views on our trailer. Thank you for your participation.

1.      In your opinion, which gender does our trailer target?

2.      What age range does our trailer target?

3.      Can you identify the genre of the film?
4.      List three points in the trailer that help you identify it with this genre?

·         “The Demons”, “The use of blood”, “Dramatic music”
·         Gun to the head”“Suspense”, “The unknown”, “Possession [theme of”
·          “bloody handprint”, “background music”, “finale scream [Nadine, basically!]
·         “bloody hand print on the book”, “music”, “gun scenes”
·         “loud scary noises”, “horrific imagery”, “implications of death”
·         “clothing”, “demons”, “blood”
·         “blood”, “scream”, “demons”
·         “high pitch long scream with no on screen image”, “bloody hand print on book”, “speech: you have to get out of here”

5.      Describe three shots that stood out to you as an audience member?

·         “the ending: boom boom boom – quick witch between shots”, “the ending scream”, “the gun shot”
·         “shooting [sequence]”, “gun found on the ground”, “signs presented on campsite [symbols on tent]”
·         “bloody hand print”, “gun to the head”, “dropping of the book”
·         “Gun to the head”, “the scream at the end”
·         “Girl crawling away from possessed friend”, “dude shooting himself”, “the line: there’s something wrong with meeeee”
·         “book with bloody hand print”, “ellie’s movement in the end shots”, “Josh shooting himself”
·         “wanna share a tent[no I don’t get it either??!]”, “sun drop”, “book handprint”
·         “scene in tents: warning from ellie to nadine”, “when book is first opened: its clear this has relevance and could be a contributor to the film”, “gun shot at the end”

6.      Can you identify the villain in this trailer? How are you able to recognise them?

·         “the freaky book – because when touched bad things happen”
·         “No. as far as I’m aware they have not appeared yet – only through characters”
·         “Ellie… dirty look”
·         “Ellie and Josh”
·         “Demons e.g. Ellie Reed”
·         “Book of demo – Ellie… make up is scary”
·         “Demon book?”
·         “Ellie?”
7.      Is the plot of the movie clear and understandable from the trailer? If so, please give us a brief description according to your knowledge from your viewings of the product?
·         “No, not entirely, introduced to clips of the film but for full understanding of the plot the whole film must be seen”
·         “Camping trip, book/scripture possess’ woman, and so forth?”
·         “Yes, it suggests whats going to happen leaving you inquisitive, wanting to find out more”
·         “someone gets possessed and people are at risk”
·         “camping in the woods, possessed by demons, murder and carnage”
·         “goes to woods, book possesses people, people die and wounded”
·         Yeah… Ellie is possessed, someone kills themselves, ellie kills people”
·         Yes because the beginning shows how the group are preparing for a camping trip, later on the use of sound, imagery and props shows the demonic possession which occurs in the trip. It leave you wondering what is to follow with regards to the group and their mental state”

8.      Does the soundtrack compliment the shots used in the trailer? If so, why?

·         “Yes, it adds to the intensity”
·         “Yes. Dramatic moments matched with music”
·         “yes, adds to the “on edge” feeling”
·         “yes, it builds tension”
·         “yes but too “action” in places”
·         “yes matched shots and cutting”
·         “yes, at the end it adds dramatic effect”
·         “yes, it adds suspense and dynamics to accentuate the mood, but also silence to further build suspense and mystery”

9.      Does this trailer interest you? Would you go to see this film?

·         “no, because I would be too scared”
·         “It would be interesting to find out the reasons behind the events and whose responsible. However I’m personally not a fan of horror films”
·         “yes”
·         “yes”
·         “yes”
·         “yes”
·         “yes?”
·         “Yes…”


Thank you for completing this survey and participating in this focus group. We will now begin a discussion about the trailer, with the aim of gathering your views on the product, as well as show you the other areas of our promotional package.

magazine progress

Sunday 18 January 2015

Props: The Book.

In our movie plot, the book you see below plays an important role. It's presence within the plot allows Sam to summon the demonic spirit from within herself. 

The book itself was created by Luke, one of our group members and was created using tea to stain the pages and the text was printed onto the page alongside the images. 

Here are some other images: 

The symbols shown above show the devil himself - and explains a bit about the Cornovii Tribe and how they made blood sacrifices on their victims. It also tells a bit about the consequences of unleashing the evil spirit which interlinks with the plot. 

Saturday 17 January 2015

Analysis of Animatic

Analysis of my Animatic

The animatic acts as a mock-up piece for my final movie trailer. It features a sequence of images constructed by myself that are similar to the moving shots that will be captured when creating the final product. Its function is to allow me to visualise the trailer before constructing it with movie pictures. This can help me identify any shots that may be too hard to recreate. The animatic can also feature animation and sound effects to emphasise the mood or genre of the movie. A soundtrack can also be added to accompany the pace of the trailer.

My group and I went to various locations to capture our shots, differentiating times and location to establish the different scenes.
Initially, the plot developed from my personal plot, focusing on a group of teens that venture into the woods on spring break. When we were designated groups within the class, our ideas were similar and we began to interpret our ideas to achieve a group decision and ultimately, a new plot.

The narrative to our animatic isn’t as clear as I hoped it to be, as we seem to be missing a few shots. These shots happened to be the more iconic shots, showing the antagonist of the plot, and revealing the action and excitement within the story.
Within the making of our animatic, we encountered a few problems: one of them being the amount of time we had outside of lessons that we could all get together. This was a huge problem at first, as we didn’t have a date where we were all free at the same time. We ended up completing different parts of the animatic, designating different roles for each member of the group.

We used the storyboard we created to visualise the images we would later take. We split the story board into groups of shots that could be captured all at once, regarding location, time of day and actors. Altogether, there were around 5 different shoots that we went on, to achieve the shots we needed. This included 3 different locations and a number of props such as tents, cars etc. Each shoot was tweaked in ways that would make the experience easier for us all: for example, we initially wanted it to be filmed in the evening, when it would be fairly dark but this would generate a lot of problems: one being that the quality of the film would be distort.

The cast of our film are diverse in many ways, allowing them to be easily identified. We simply matched up the personalities and looks to the characters in the trailer. The characters we created by interpreting our own ideas and from analysing other existing media.

During the editing process of the animatic, we used the media suite in the school premises. We used Adobe Premiere Elements 12 to edit the clips and merge them together. The timing of the shots was chosen to accompany the type of soundtrack that would be used – to maintain pace with the soundtrack. We also, looked at existing products to see how they were created.
The intertitles were created by myself, using Adobe Photoshop 12. I chose an appropriate font, reflecting on the genre and location, being Celtic Wales. They include dark colour schemes and simple but effective animation that make them unique. This was done is Adobe Flash Professional.

The soundtrack we decided to go for was tricky to interpret into the pace of the trailer. It had no solid beat and just consisted of monk chants. Although it was relevant to the style of the film, it needed a more clean beat to work with. I ended up choosing one that sounded better but didn’t include any chants. For the final product, I will combine the two tracks to create a better soundtrack.

It’s hard to say how my completed animatic appeals to my target audience as its not yet complete. However, what we have done reflects on the horror genre – mainly shown in the soundtrack and the intertitles. Although I am satisfied with what we’ve done, if I were to recreate the animatic I would most certainly change a lot of things: The length of the shots could be increased as it’s hard to visualise what is happening, leaving the viewer confused as to what’s happening. This could be hard to match the pace of the soundtrack and to keep it with the beat. On that note, I would also alter the soundtrack, to the actual pace of the plot.

Also, the locations we visited to take the photos were ideal for the plot and added to the mise-en-scene, but we found that we needed go somewhere more local. This would make it easier to get the whole group together
During the creation of the animatic, we encountered a few problems with getting the whole group together to film. This was due to absences in school or clashes within our timetables, giving us less time to work and, ultimately, time to edit the clips. In my opinion, the animatic isn’t as good as I imagined. There could be a lot of improvements. Also, we didn’t manage to get it onto a memory stick, due to technical difficulties in the media suite. As a result of this problem, I created my own animatic, and sent it to the group via social media over the holidays. It included the images we had already captured but wasn’t fully complete as I worked on it on my own.

My role within the process of creating the animatic was to produce the intertitles – focusing on the font, style, colour schemes, and creating the branding for the movie trailer (logo design etc.) I also took matters into my own hands, to produce the second animatic as we encountered a few problems with obtaining the first. When we come to creating the official trailer, I will be sure to get the team organised so we can get the filming done as soon as possible as I felt we slacked a bit on the animatic.

List of Improvements:
·         Make a start with the filming sooner to allow us more time to film and edit etc.
·         Organise time better – maybe create a schedule
·         Get the group together better, allowing us to perform more shoots
·         Divide time for editing and filming – allowing us to keep up to date on both techniques
·         Designate different roles for each member to allow us to work faster