Tuesday 13 January 2015

Analysis of 5 shots

My first shot I chose to analyse is the shot showing the satanic rituals that took place in Roman Britain. It features three witches, crowded around a circular symbol that lies on the floor. They appear to be taking part in some sort of ritual. This can be seen through their body language. Their arms are raised as if they are worshipping something. This shot may appeal to my target audience as it seems to be similar to shots that can be found in other popular films that feature demonic possession, such as Paranormal Activity or Evil Dead.


This shot is an establishing shot of the location that he trailer is filmed. It shows a series of tall trees in the foreground that linger below the monstrous mountain that stand dominantly in the background. This shot was constructed to show the difference as to where the characters start (in the foreground) as to where they are travelling (to the mountain) this also shows the big difference between the both, suggesting that the mountain will be dangerous. This shot may appeal to my audience as a lot of good horror films are shot in the wood or the mountain area, such as Evil Dead.


This shot shows a canted angle shot of a series of trees in a gloomy forest area. This shot, again represents where they are within the film. It’s a simple shot; with no added props accept the lighting that shines through the slight gap within the trees. This shot was constructed to show the slight chance of survival or, sunshine, that represents light and life. This reflects on the characters fight for survival within the plot. I think this is a lovely shot that establishes the narrative and the situation that the characters participate in.


This shot shows a close up of the prop of a book, which happens to be one of the main props within the trailer. The book is open on a page that will be significant to the plot of the film trailer. It will show the information about the demonic possession of people and about the satanic cult, known as the Cornovii shown at the beginning. The leaves and foliage that shroud the book, establish where they in within the situation, which is in the woodland area. I feel that this shot will have a good effect on our audience as the use of simple inanimate objects that provide such an impact on the film is prominent in horror films. It also provides information that help the audience understand the plot.


This last shot shows a but more action than the other, showing Vinnie being approached by Sam from behind. Again, it shows them in the woods, encountering the problems they must face in order to survive. Sam’s identity is hidden by her long hair that drapes menacingly over shadowy face in order to represent her possession, and establish that she isn’t herself anymore. Vinnie’s facial expression shows confusion and innocence as he is to be the victim of the demonic entity. I think this shot works well, as I interpreted this from previous horror films that use similar construction methods. Such as The Ring or The Ring II. It creates a sense of fear for the audience as they fear for the victim. In this case is Vinnie.



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